Buy-to-Let Mortgage Deposit Calculators

Which Calculator Should I Use?

Use calculator No.1 “Based on Monthly Savings 💰” if you know you can only save a fixed amount every month, but the time goal is less important.

e.g. If you know you can save £400 a month,

  • Enter your monthly savings amount of £400
  • The calculator will tell you how long it will take to reach your goal

Use calculator No.2 “Based on Time Goals ” if you have a time goal for when you want to buy a property to find out how much you need to save every month.

e.g. If I want to buy a property in 24 months (2 years),

  • Enter 24 months or 2 years as your time goal
  • Calculator will tell you how much you need to save every month

1. Based on Monthly Savings 💰

2. Based on Time Goals ⏳


If you’re unsure what numbers to put into the calculators above then use these tips.

For purchase prices:

Check the average house price in your chosen area using Rightmove:

For Deposit %:

For buy-to-let mortgages a common deposit % is 25% as a minimum.